About our Volunteer Program

Palm Valley Animal Society welcomes anyone willing to donate their time to help save homeless animals in the Rio Grande Valley. For the safety of the animals, volunteers, guests and staff, completion of the Volunteer Program Registration process and Service Agreement is required prior to volunteering. See below for age qualifications.
Volunteer Program Contact Information
956.720.4563 | [email protected]
Need to make arrangements for community service hours? Click here for more information.
Existing Volunteers
Sign into the Volunteer Portal here:
Prospective Volunteers - Sign up for a Volunteer Information Session here:
For special accommodations please email [email protected]
Solo hables español? Envie un correo electronico a [email protected] para recibir una orientacion en español.
Minors under 18 years old: A parent or legal guardian will be required to complete
a Service Agreement prior to the minors first volunteer shift. [VIEW/DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT HERE]
Minors under 16 years old must have a registered parent or guardian with them at all times.
Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What can I do as a PVAS volunteer?
Volunteer opportunities are constantly changing as we grow and develop new programs. The volunteer program is designed to create a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages, take a look at some of the Volunteer Opportunities available at both PVAS locations. You will get more details and learn about the latest needs and options when you attend the Volunteer Information Session at one of our locations.
How do I become an PVAS volunteer?
Follow these steps to become an PVAS Volunteer.
1. Select a Volunteer Information Session location and date
2. Attend Volunteer Information Session of your choice
3. Complete online volunteer registration to setup a volunteer profile
4. Start volunteering!
Are there any ongoing requirements for volunteering?
Our volunteer management system (Volgistics) has a licensing fee for each user, so the system regularly removes volunteers whose account is inactive, therefore we ask that volunteers commit to at least 6 hours per month of service.
Additionally, we require all volunteers to adhere to the PVAS Policies, you must agree to these policies in order to submit a volunteer application. Any questions or concerns about the policies may be directed to [email protected].
I need to fulfill community service hours - what should I do?
If you are seeking community service hours for a pending or completed court case, contact the Volunteer Program using the contact information at the top of the page.
If you are seeking community service hours for school, an organization, or personal pleasure, please follow the steps in How do I become a PVAS volunteer?
I attended a Volunteer Information Session, now what?
After attending a Volunteer Information Session, you will receive a follow up email with a link to our online volunteer center. Here you will create a volunteer profile and have the opportunity to start signing up for a variety of volunteer shifts. If you did not receive an email with this link, please contact our volunteer coordinators at [email protected].
How long is a Volunteer Information Session?
The Volunteer Information Session includes a presentation and typically lasts about an hour. It is important to stay for the duration if you are interested in joining our volunteer team.
Can I just come walk dogs?
For the safety of the animals, volunteers, guests, and staff you must complete the steps in How do I become a PVAS Volunteer prior to walking dogs at PVAS. If you’d like to handle dogs or cats at the Trenton or Andrews centers, you must also attend a Dog and Cat Care Training, which occur weekly. You can schedule that session through the volunteer portal or by contacting the Volunteer department.
I completed a volunteer profile online, now what?
Congratulations you are now a PVAS Volunteer! Please use the online volunteer center to schedule volunteer shifts. Volunteer opportunities are constantly changing as we grow and develop new programs. The volunteer program is designed to create a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages, take a look at some of the volunteer opportunities available at PVAS.
Due to the overwhelming need at PVAS, we are open 7 days a week/365 days a year. Volunteer Hours at PVAS are 11:00AM to 7:00PM, every day. For more information about the PVAS Volunteer Program please email [email protected].
I’m under 18, can I volunteer?
Yes, the PVAS Volunteer Program welcomes anyone interested in volunteering who is older than 6 years of age. All volunteers, including minors & Junior Volunteers, must complete the Volunteer Registration Process prior to volunteering.
Minors (ages 16 & 17): Must print the Volunteer Service Agreement, have their parent/guardian sign the form, & bring the completed form to orientation. Without the completed form minors will not be able to volunteering.
Minors are NOT PERMITTED to have guests accompany them while volunteering. This includes anyone who has not completed the PVAS Volunteer Registration process and Junior Volunteers not accompanied by their registered parent/guardian.
Junior Volunteers (ages 6-15): Parents/guardians of Junior Volunteers must complete the Volunteer Registration Process and submit the Junior Volunteer Release, found on the Volunteer Service Agreement. Junior Volunteer must be accompanied by their registered parent/guardian at all times while onsite.
Registered parents/guardians of Junior Volunteers are NOT PERMITTED to have guests accompany them while volunteering with Junior Volunteer. This includes anyone who has not completed the Volunteer Registration Process, other Junior Volunteers not accompanied by their registered parent/guardian, or other minors.
To complete the Volunteer Registration Process, please follow the steps in How do I become a PVAC/PAWS volunteer? above.
What if I need documentation for my service/volunteer hours?
PVAS Volunteers can track their volunteers hours using our Volunteer Portal. If you require other documentation regarding volunteer hours including PVAS letterhead, please contact [email protected].
What if I have a large group that wants to volunteer?
For private orientations, large groups or service projects please email [email protected].
What if I have special accommodations?
Please email [email protected] or give us a call. For example, our volunteer orientation group at PVAS meets upstairs, and we can accommodate any requests if we know ahead of time.